June 24, 8pm Swedish Film Goes Capri BREAKING SOCIAL (Sweden 2023)
All societies are based on the idea of a social contract. We are told that if we work hard, if we treat others with respect, if we play by the rules, we will be rewarded. But then there are the rule breakers. Those who make use of tax havens and reap profits without paying back to society.Breaking Social looks at global patterns of kleptocracy and extractivism. An assassinated investigative journalist in Malta. A river without water in Chile. When people reach a tipping point, they start to organize and protest. We will see those already fighting at the frontlines of social uprisings across the world.
Breaking Social explores the possibilities of overcoming injustice and corruption. It is a film about reimagining the building blocks of our societies and igniting seeds of hope that live within each of us.
Breaking Social was made by the internationally renowned and awarded Swedish documentary filmmaker Fredrik Gertten.