June 7, 8.00 pm When in Rome

June 7, 8.00 pm When in Rome

June 8, 8.00 pm After Work
Swedish Film Goes Capri. Film Festival at Villa San Michele, June 6 to 8 2024, 8:00 pm
June 6 to 8, Villa San Michele organizes a Swedish film festival. The dramas of youth, romance late in life and "Il dolce far niente" are the themes in the three films in the third edition of Swedish Film Goes Capri.June 6, 8.00 pm A Part of You
Director: Sigge Eklund
Protagonists: Edvin Ryding, Felicia Maxime, Zara Larsson.
Script: Michaela Hamilton
Producers: Alexandra Thönnersten, Stefan H Lindén
Distribution: Netflix
Production company: SF Studios
June 7, 8.00 pm When in Rome
Director: Niclas Bendixen
Protagonists: Bodil Jörgensen, Kristian Halken, Rolf Lassgård
Script: Kristian Halken, Niclas Bendixen, Christian Torpe
Producers: Andreas Hjortdal, Jesper Morthorst
Photography: Manuel Alberto Claro DFF
Italian distribution: Vivofilm
June 8, 8.00 pm After Work
A documentary by Erik Gandini
Director: Erik Gandini
Photography: Fredrik Wenzel, Fsf
Editing and music: Johan Söderberg
Distribution: Fandango
Production: Fasad Production AB in collaboration with Propaganda Italia, RAI Cinema e Indie Film
All screenings are free at Villa San Michele's outdoor stage
Info e booking: +39 0818371401 - events@sanmichele.org