Historic Photo Album

Axel Munthe, 23, in Paris, starting his career as a physician

Munthe’s first wife Ultima Hornberg (1861-1895)

Axel Munthe’s dog Puck. Munthe used his name as a pseudonym

Panorama picture of Villa San Michele at the beginning of the 20th century

Princess Marie Louise of Hannover beneath the newly planted pergola

Axel Munthe and the Crown Princess Victoria on a boat trip

Axel Munthe in the atrium of Villa San Michele

Munthe oversees the bath of the dog Jallah

Queen Victoria resting in the sun at Capri

Axel Munthe’s mongoose at Villa San Michele

King Gustaf V and Queen Victoria of Sweden visiting Anacapri 1913

Hilda Pennington Mellor (1882-1967), Munthe’s second wife

The chapel of Villa San Michele with the Etruscan Sphinx

The inside of the chapel. Munthe used it as a library and a music room

Prince Gustaf Adolf with his fiancée, Princess Margaret of Connaught

Munthe and his beloved dogs

A smiling Axel Munthe with his dog, the art collector Giuseppe Primoli and the author Matilde Serao at Villa San Michele

Street life in Anacapri

Munthe with the donkey Rosina

Munthe’s baboon Billy picking fleas on the dog Tappio

Munthe with sons Malcolm, Peter and Hilda at the family estate Hildasholm

Fateful picture of Munthe on a walk, late in life

Axel Munthe overlooking the light house at Capri

The article announcing Munthe’s death by the famous Italian journalist Indro Montanelli